Our speed coaching events provide you an opportunity to experience an array of different coaches and their methods in a short period of time. We like to refer to it as a coaching taster'.

The reason why we created this experience was so people can dip their toes in to learn about coaching. How it works, is it right for them, would they like to get a coach, how do they find the right coach, etc. 

We run both online and offline speed coaching events.

Why Speed coaching could be for you?

  • You want to make a change in your life, but don't know where to start?
  • You are not entirely sure whether you need a coach or not?
  • You don't know much about coaching, but have heard people have had good results / experiences.
  • You are not sure how a coach could help your specific situation.
  • You feel a little intimidated with the whole process and the idea of potentially sharing / opening up.
  • You are not sure what a coach can teach you that you don't already know.
  • You are intrigued but also feel sceptical about coaching and over analysis.


If you are a coach and interested in coaching at our speed coaching events - please sign up here. Alternatively you can email celeste@meafterwork.com.au for more information. 

"Before we recruit any coaches to speed coaching I talk through what they can expect from the experience. I like to also understand them and their coaching practice - so I can ascertain whether this is a good fit for them. It's also an opportunity for me to get to know all our coaches who take part in our events". Celeste Moroney 


    If you are interesting in attending a speed coaching event, whether remotely or in person, please sign-up here, so we can keep you up to date with our latest events. 

    If you have any questions please email celeste@meafterwork.com.au

      How we run remote speed coaching

      Here is a step-by-step guide to how we run speed coaching remotely/online. Click on arrows from right to left to view slide shows. To participate, you will need to have the zoom app downloaded. If you have any questions please email celeste@meafterwork.com.au

      Do I need to prepare for speed coaching?

      It's entirely your call. You can come prepared with questions or take a 'wait and see' approach. The response to this question is dependent on your personality type. However, to maximise the experience, it's aways recommended to keep open, to minimise any fixed ideas around outcomes and if possible allow your intuitive self to decipher/discern.

      Why someone considers having a coach?

      • You have big goals and need support to achieve these
      • Your to-do list is growing by the day and you don't know where to start
      • You are not clear on what direction you would like to take your life in
      • You are feeling overwhelmed and out of balance
      • You feel disconnected in one or more areas of your life
      • You are in a cycle of busy / stress / going through the motions
      • You want more fun, more passion, more love.
      • You are observing repeated patterns in your life and don't know how to address them.

      Upcoming Speed Coaching Events

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